Snowflake Effects in the Business...

Snowflakes are one of nature’s most intriguing structures. Closely held businesses with multiple shareholders (particularly family businesses) are very much like a snowflake.


Dinosaurs In The Workplace

The dinosaur effect results from leaders having blind spots about how their words and actions impact staff, derail alignment, and erode organizational outcomes.


#1 Reason Succession Fails & How to Get it Right

When I met Aaron and Janet they were engaged in their third attempt at family succession. In many ways this attempt is no different than the first two abandoned attempts.


Conflict: Learning to Embrace It!

“Conflict”… what is the first thought, feeling, or image that crossed your mind when you read that word?


Axial: Why Successful Exits Start With Psychology

Axial talked to Dr. Allie Taylor about how Orange Kiwi is different from a typical advisory firm, the most surprising thing she uncovered in her research on business owners, and more.


Family Business Podcast: The Psychology of Succession

Allie Taylor recently participated in a podcast hosted by Russell Haworth of the Family Business Podcast in the UK.


Beating Business Transition (Sale/Scale/Succession) Odds - New Research

Owner experience, advisor observations, academic literature, and popular books agree – significant transitions (scale, sale, succession) fail more often than they succeed in the low to mid-market business environment.
